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The constant tampering with oil and gas facilities

Despite the appearance of technical consequences due the illegal oil closures, through the collapse of tank (Surge Tank D101 B), in the area (GOSP115) with a capacity of (16,000) barrels in “AL-Sharara” field which  required an urgent need to check and maintenance of lines and valves, in order to start maintenance and operations, to prevent the oil sector infrastructure From damage.
The National Oil Corporation confirms that the armed militia under “Abdul Karim Alrounie”, is still preventing the maintenance teams of the Akakos Oil Operations Company from carrying out their work until the date of this statement.
As the National Oil Corporation still warns of the severe damage regarding the continuation of the current situation on the infrastructure of the oil sector, it demands the people responsible to back-off of site immediately and allow the maintenance teams to carry out their duty.
The National Oil Corporation states that it has addressed both the Attorney General’s Office and the Ministry of the Interior to take all the required and necessary legal measures against the so-called Abdul Karim  Alrounie and against everyone involved with him in the above-mentioned crime
Worth-mentioned, the National Oil Corporation worked tirelessly with its partners during the past years to assist most of the local communities in the areas surrounding the oil operations through social development programs, in which the city of  Zintan had a share in it like the rest of the other cities.
At a time when the National Oil Corporation is fulfilling its national duty towards these societies, it expects them to be a fundamental supporter for it to continue its operations aimed at supporting the national economy, not to allow a handful of criminals and seekers of self-interest who claim to have a tribal cover that would allow them to tamper with and damage the only source of the Libyan people .
As the losses due to the closure of the facilities and transmission lines to date have exceeded more than 5 billion dollars, of which 1.7 billion dollars are losses resulting of the closure of “AL-sharara” and “Elfeel” fields only, which foretells an economic disaster that will bring Libya to its knees as a result of these irresponsible acts.
Therefore, the National Oil Corporation implores the honorable people in the city of Zintan once more to up-lift the social, tribal and legal cover off of the so-called Abdul Karim Alrounie and his militias, and to assist the security and judicial agencies in arresting them and bringing them to justice
The National Oil Corporation stresses the need to cease all oppressive closures of its facilities immediately, given the real danger it poses to the infrastructure of the oil sector and to the economic security in general for Libya
May God protect Libya
Issued in Tripoli on June 1 2020