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NOC condemns attack on NAGECO Tripoli facility

The Board of Directors of National Oil Corporation (NOC) condemns the bombardment of the headquarters and surrounding compound of its subsidiary, North African Geophysical Exploration Company (NAGECO), at around 10 am on Wednesday, April 10, 2019, in the Qasr Bin Ghashir district on the outskirts of Tripoli.
An aerial raid resulted in the collapse of one of the main walls of the headquarters as well as the burning down of six residential units for international staff. The local fire brigade could not access the site. Members of NOC’s industrial security and safety unit extinguished the fire before it spread to nearby offices and stores, as well as vehicles in close proximity. 
The Board notes with relief that there were no casualties. NOC and subsidiary staff had been asked to stay at home due to hostilities in the greater Tripoli area, with operations conducted by only essential staff.
Speaking on behalf of the Board, chairman Eng. Mustafa Sanalla said: “NOC condemns the targeting of national energy infrastructure in the latest round of hostilities. NOC facilities and Libyan oil workers must be kept away from any political and military disputes, to allow us to effectively fulfil our mandate to maintain oil production and exports for the benefit of all Libyans.”
10 April 2019