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NOC and BPMC welcome Public Prosecutor’s decision to arrest fuel smugglers

National Oil Corporation (NOC) and Brega Petroleum Marketing Company (BPMC) welcome the Public Prosecutor’s decision of February 07, 2019, to arrest the owners of fuel stations involved in organized smuggling, currently costing the Libyan state over 750 million USD annually. 
Arrest warrants were issued for 103 fuel station owners involved in smuggling and the illegal disposal of fuel, in addition to the sealing of 115 stations with red wax to stop their supply of fuel and derivative products. 
The head of the Investigations Department of the Public Prosecutor’s office also ordered the director of the Monetary and Banking Control Department of the Central Bank of Libya to freeze the accounts of owners of these stations across all banks in Libya.
NOC chairman, Eng. Mustafa Sanalla, said: “We commend the efforts of the Public Prosecutor in the fight to eradicate smuggling and guarantee citizens access to fuel. Smuggling has for too long corrupted our country and fuelled a rise in crime. NOC and BPMC are committed through our anti-smuggling strategy to assist in this fight. Reports submitted by NOC and BPMC to the Public Prosecutor’s office highlighted the presence of 1,200 fuel stations that fail to comply with technical conditions and general planning controls. We are happy that all sides are taking action to tackle this issue.”
NOC and BPMC call on citizens throughout the country to report any irregularities noticed at fuel stations, either by directly informing their municipality mayors or through the official BPMC Facebook page.
Issued in 9 February 2019