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Honeywell UOP and Zallaf sign the contract for the construction of the South Refinery

The ceremony to sign the first contract for the project to construct the South Refinery took place on Sunday at the headquarters of Zallaf Libyan Oil & Gas company, where Zallaf signed the contract with the US company Honeywell UOP.
This is one of many steps within the new vision approved by the National Oil Corporation as well as a fulfillment of the promises given by the corporation’s Chairman of the Board of Directors in order to expedite the construction of the South Refinery. The aim of constructing the refinery is to alleviate suffering, provide fuel and assistance, and create spatial development in the areas of the south.
The signing ceremony was attended by the chairperson and members of the board of directors at Zallaf, Regional Director of Honeywell UOP Muhammad Al Muhaisen, and number of managers from both parties.
Under the contract, Honeywell UOP will conduct the initial engineering work for the refining units and grant technical licenses for the authorized units.

The project comprises two stages. The first stage, FEED, saw signing the contract with Honeywell UOP; whereas the second stage focuses on negotiating another contract to carry out the installation work and final tests for the refinery, provided that following this, Honeywell supervises the installation process