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Chairman addresses all staff at start of Ramadan

NOC Chairman Eng. Mustafa Sanalla marked the beginning of Ramadan by sending all NOC and subsidiary employees a message of thanks and hope. 
“Today we begin our time of celebrating Ramadan, together as a nation, and as Libyan brothers. It is a time of unity as we all remember our shared identity, the ties that link all Libyans together and our religious heritage. 
“First, I want to say how grateful I am to all NOC workers who are continuing in their duties, even in these very difficult times for our nation. I am proud to serve in a corporation with so many devoted people, who strive together to help Libya. 
“Second, I want to wish every person in NOC a special time over the coming four weeks. I hope you can fast with your family in safety. The virus will mean this Ramadan is a difficult one; and I am doing all I can to bring more medical supplies into Libya to help NOC staff and communities. 
“Finally, I hope that this period will cause many to reflect on how they can best help Libya and Libyan people to embrace peace.”