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BPMC Tripoli storage facility hit by shrapnel and gunshots

On Monday, December 2 2019, technical teams at Brega Petroleum Marketing Company (BPMC), a subsidiary of the National Oil Corporation (NOC), managed to stop a leakage caused by shrapnel damage to a pipeline of a diesel filling pump, following an escalation of clashes near the pump house at the company’s Tripoli storage facility.    
Upon identifying the leakage, the company stopped the diesel pumps, discharged fuel from the system, and isolated the pump and pipeline from the filling system using valves and steel plates. Specialists from the oil pipeline maintenance department, working closely with the company’s safety personnel, were instructed to undertake all measures necessary to restart the pumps. Operations fully resumed after a few hours.
BPMC also confirms that the Safety Unit in the storage facility was hit by a bullet, which penetrated a window and risked the lives of employees working inside the building. 
NOC expresses its deepest appreciation to all BPMC staff for their exceptional efforts to manage the leakage in a professional and timely manner, and reminds all parties that any fighting in the vicinity of oil facilities puts our employees’ safety at risk, and causes significant economic and environmental harm to the country.