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After the 72-hour deadline has passed and the loss of more than 16 billion Libyan dinars, the NOC decided to declare the state of force majeure

In this regard, the Chairman of the Board of Directors commented: “Our patience has run out after we have repeatedly tried to avoid declaring the state of force majeure, but the implementation of our obligations has become impossible, and we are forced to declare a state of force majeure on the terminals of Asidra and Ras Lanuf, in addition to the Al-Feel field, with the continuation of the state of force majeure on the terminals of Brega and Zueitina.”
According to this announcement, it has become impossible to feed the power stations of Zuetina, North Benghazi and Sarir with their needs of natural gas, due to the connection between crude oil production and gas from the fields of the Waha and Mellitah companies, leading to a shortage of natural gas supply to the coastal pipeline.
Mr. Sanalla added: “Today more than ever, we are facing cumbersome challenges represented by our inability to cover the needs of vital facilities in the country with fuel, and that exchanging crude oil from available production with liquid fuel is at stake as a result of the sharp decline in production, in addition to the disruption of feeding the fuel account in hard currency, due to the refusal of the Central Bank and the Ministry of Finance to monetize allocations in US dollars, it is not surprising that the crisis will worsen in the summer season unless oil production is resumed or the current deficit is addressed to calculate fuel.”
Mr. Sanalla also added: “Politicians have false beliefs about the oil issue.” He further explained that “political difference is a right, but the mistake is to use oil, “the lifeblood of Libyans” as a bargaining chip, describing it as an “unforgivable sin.”
In this regard, Mr. Sanalla said: “The sins of politicians are deadly, and the situation is difficult, and it seems to foretell serious consequences for the quality of life of the citizen, unless oil and gas production is resumed, now and immediately!”
In response to some suspicious statements, Mr. Mustafa Sanalla said: “We expected Minister Aoun to be appointed to the government, to carry its weight and help it with his opinion. Unfortunately, he lives in a state of denial of reality, sometimes he goes out to the media to mislead public opinion and says that stopping oil production is not a loss, and sometimes he tries to use the government, and we don’t know why he manipulates facts, distorts events, denies principles, and lives in the tightness of his obsessions.”
In conclusion, we are making it clear to the Libyan people and the executive and legislative authorities in the country that the losses resulting from the closures have exceeded sixteen billion Libyan dinars (16 billion Libyan dinars) to date, and production has decreased and declined sharply, as daily exports have ranged from 365 to 409 thousand barrels per day, a decrease of 865,000 barrels per day from normal production rates under normal circumstances, in addition to the loss of 90 million cubic feet per day of Fareg field’s gas, and about 130 million cubic feet per day of natural gas for the Abu-Attifel field.
The National Oil Corporation and its subsidiaries continue to carry out their duties and responsibilities, but we are obligated under this statement to put the full responsibility to the parties causing the crisis that we see waving in the ten days of Dhul-Hijjah, one of the sacred months, in which the Jahiliyyah tribes stopped fighting and quarrel for its greatness.
“Sufficient for us is Allah and He is the best Disposer of affairs”
May Allah Bless the country
Issued in Tripoli
June 30, 2022