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A statement on the failed attempt to break into the National Oil Corporation Headquarters

Some outlaw and armed gangs attempted today afternoon to get into the National Oil Corporation Headquarters forcibly as the force of Petroleum Facilities Guards (PFGs) assigned to protect the NOC building were surprised by the arrival of armed vehicles in the opposite way of the road, making some chaotic movements, drawing their weapons and trying to break into the external fence of NOC building. Immediately, additional reinforcements of PFGs affiliated to the Ministry of Defence and Ministry of Interior were called upon and thankfully these outlaw and rogue gangs were dealt with and kicked out without much material or human losses.
It is worth mentioning that there were some threats which faced one of the senior officials at the National Oil Corporation this morning which might had link to this incident. The office of the Attorney General has been informed to investigate into the circumstances of this failed attack and investigate with whoever had a direct or indirect relation with this terrorist act in order to take all the necessary precautions to protect the oil sector from such desperate attempts.
The National Oil Corporation would like to express its sincere thanks to the Petroleum Facilities Guards (PFGs) affiliated to the Ministry of Defence and Ministry of Interior for their professional and heroic work for the sake of protecting the National Oil Corporation and its employees from this criminal act and commend them for their persistent endeavors to implement the state of law and institutions for all and against the armed gangs and militias which try to destabilize the peace and community security inside the capital Tripoli.