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The generation of electricity from renewable and clean energies … Is one of the most important objectives of the National Oil Corporation over the coming years.
For the purpose of promoting awareness among people of the importance of using renewable energies and contributing to preserve the environment and reduce emissions.
During these days and sponsored by Total Energies, the work is under way to install solar systems to provide electricity for the following institutions:
– Ben Jawad General Hospital.
– Faculty of Energy Technologies Ajkhara
– Faculty of Engineering and Oil Jalu.
– Tsawa Hospital in the Ataba valley for the operation of medical oxygen plant.
– Ghat General Hospital to operate medical oxygen plant.
This comes to emphasize the direction of the NOC and its partners to the use of clean energies, to generate electricity and take advantage of our country’s distinctive location in the use of solar energy, a substitute for fossil fuels and contribute to preserving the environment and reducing emissions as possible.
It is Worth mentioning that in a previous period, the NOC, installed solar systems in a number of hospitals in Rajaban, Zintan and Obari General Hospital, sponsored by Repsol.
Also, the NOC aspires to expand in this field and gradually replace other energy sources in its oil sites and fields, in addition to its contributions to support specialized educational centers in this field, to form young and qualified national cadres, to engage in this promising field and invest in clean and renewable energies.