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The National Oil Corporation announces that the weather is disrupting the country’s oil exports

In this regard, the media office of the National Oil Corporation (NOC) commented that “the oil ports along the Libyan coast are experiencing a situation of bad weather, which has made it impossible to link the moored oil vessels.”


NOC’s media office added in a related context”We don’t have enough tanks to accommodate two days of production at the Zawiya oil port and we are afraid that production will decline if bad weather continues for more than three days,”
It is worth mentioning that the NOC has demanded the decision-making departments in the country to provide funding for the maintenance of the oil sector infrastructure, building tanks and the maintenance of what the wars has destroyed, but has not obtained the necessary financial allocations, which led to the oscillate of production and sometimes stopping some fields from pumping because of leaks and others, which has affected the country’s hard currency earnings.