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NOC supports Wahat in battle against coronavirus

Today, Monday, 7 September 2020, the National Oil Corporation (NOC)’s Sustainable Development Department has delivered medical equipment and other materials to aid Wahat in its battle against the spread of Covid-19 as well as to support regional medical teams on the ground.
NOC delivered three intensive care ventilators, an ultrasound machine and medical supplies including masks, gloves, medical gowns and other materials, such as medical alcohol and infrared thermometers.
These efforts – designed to limit the spread of Covid-19 – are part of NOC’s “Good Neighbour Policy” in the Wahat region.
A handover ceremony took place at the headquarters of the Jalu Municipal Council in Wahat in the presence of Ahmed Saad, Mayor of the Steering Council  of Jalu Municipality, Ajwaili Al-Senussi, Director-General of Jalu Central Hospital, Abdel Nabi Kalofa, Director-General of Jalu General Hospital and member of the Medical Advisory Subcommittee to Combat Coronavirus, and Mohammed Al-Jehani, representing the NOC’s Sustainable Development Department.
NOC is also working with its partner, Wintershall, to provide a PCR testing device for the Wahat region, in collaboration with the National Centre for Disease Control, Benghazi.