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NOC expresses concern over military presence inside Ras Lanuf terminal

National Oil Corporation (NOC) expresses concern over an increased military presence at the Ras Lanuf oil terminal, potentially making it a military objective. These actions could result in the withdrawal of NOC personnel from the port for their safety.
A group of around 80 military personnel under the command of Major General Abdullah Nur al-Din al-Hamali entered the port on Wednesday, June 5, 2019.
The group has taken over a building within the terminal and is converting it for military use. In addition, forces have attempted to fuel a warship, appropriated meals designated for staff, and seized 31 dormitories allocated to Harouge Oil Operations (HOO) employees, the NOC subsidiary operating the port.
“NOC works on behalf of all Libyans,” said NOC chairman Eng. Mustafa Sanalla. “We cannot accept a situation where any party to the current conflict misuses oil facilities.” 
“The presence of forces inside the terminal represents an unacceptable risk to employees. This renders the terminal a potential military target, thereby risking the destruction of Libyan oil infrastructure – and the resulting economic crisis that would follow.” 
NOC will not compromise on the safety of staff. If risk assessment indicates that continued operations present an unacceptable risk to workers, the corporation will take steps necessary to protect them – including their withdrawal from the terminal. 
NOC reiterates its neutrality, non-partisanship and detachment from the ongoing conflict.
13 June 2019